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M&E Interview QnA (Interview Preparation)


Determination of Sample Size

Factors to consider when determining the sample size for a randomized control trial:

Several factors play a crucial role in determining the appropriate sample size for a randomized control trial (RCT):

1. Effect size: The magnitude of the effect or difference between treatment groups that the study aims to detect. A larger effect size requires a smaller sample size.

2. Significance level (alpha): The desired level of confidence in rejecting the null hypothesis. Typically set at 0.05, but can vary depending on the study design and field.

3. Power: The probability of correctly detecting a true effect. Higher power (usually 80% or greater) reduces the risk of Type II errors.

4. Variability: The amount of variation or dispersion in the outcome measure. Higher variability necessitates a larger sample size to achieve sufficient power.

5. Study design and statistical methods: The type of statistical test and analysis planned for the study can influence the sample size calculation.

6. Ethical considerations: Balancing the need for an adequately powered study with ethical obligations to minimize participant burden.

b) How does the type of research question influence the sample size determination?

The type of research question significantly influences sample size determination:

1. Descriptive studies: In studies aiming to describe characteristics or estimate prevalence, larger sample sizes improve the precision of estimates.

2. Correlational studies: Studies examining relationships between variables might require larger samples to achieve sufficient statistical power.

3. Experimental studies: When evaluating interventions or treatments, sample size is influenced by effect size, desired statistical power, and significance level.

4. Comparative studies: Sample size calculations depend on the number of groups being compared and the effect size of interest.

5. Longitudinal studies: These studies often require larger samples due to repeated measurements over time and potential attrition.

c) Differences in sample size calculation for cross-sectional and longitudinal studies:

In cross-sectional studies, researchers collect data at a single point in time, estimating prevalence or relationships among variables. Sample size calculations depend on the desired level of precision and margin of error for estimates.

In longitudinal studies, researchers follow participants over time, requiring larger samples to account for potential attrition and to detect changes or differences over multiple time points.

d) Importance of power analysis in sample size determination:

Power analysis is essential in sample size determination as it ensures that the study has enough statistical power to detect a meaningful effect if it exists. Insufficient power may lead to false-negative results, wasting resources and failing to provide valuable insights.

e) Determining the sample size for a quasi-experiment design:

Sample size determination for a quasi-experiment design involves similar considerations to an RCT. Researchers need to account for effect size, desired power, significance level, and variability. However, quasi-experimental designs may require additional adjustments to control for potential confounding factors introduced by the non-randomized nature of the intervention.

f) Sample size determination in case-control studies compared to randomized controlled trials:

In case-control studies, sample size is determined based on the prevalence of the outcome in the population and the desired level of precision. Case-control studies are retrospective and efficient for studying rare outcomes.

In randomized controlled trials, sample size calculation considers the effect size, desired power, significance level, and variability. RCTs are prospective and are considered the gold standard for assessing causality.

g) Impact of effect size and variability on sample size estimation:

Larger effect sizes require smaller sample sizes to detect statistically significant differences. Conversely, smaller effect sizes necessitate larger samples to achieve sufficient power.

High variability in the outcome measure increases the uncertainty in estimates, requiring larger sample sizes to compensate for the added noise and achieve adequate power.

h) Sample size determination process for an interrupted time series analysis:

For interrupted time series analysis, researchers consider the expected change in the outcome before and after the intervention, the variability of the outcome measure, and the number of data points before and after the intervention. Time series data often have inherent autocorrelation, which influences sample size calculations.

i) Accounting for clustering effects when calculating sample size for cluster-randomized trials:

In cluster-randomized trials, participants are randomized in groups or clusters (e.g., schools, communities). The design effect due to within-cluster correlation must be accounted for in the sample size calculation. Researchers estimate the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) to adjust for the clustering effect and determine an appropriate sample size.

j) Advantages and limitations of using convenience sampling in determining sample size:


1. Convenience sampling is easy and cost-effective to implement, often requiring less time and resources.

2. It allows for quick data collection, making it suitable for exploratory or pilot studies.

3. Convenience samples are readily available, making recruitment less challenging.


1. Convenience sampling may introduce selection bias, as participants may not represent the target population.

2. The results may lack generalizability to the broader population, limiting the external validity of the findings.

3. It may not capture the full range of variability in the population, affecting the precision and accuracy of estimates.

4. The sample size may not be optimal for hypothesis testing and may not provide sufficient statistical power to detect small or moderate effects.

Quasi-Experiment Design and Case Control Design:

a) Fundamental difference between a true experimental design and a quasi-experimental design :

The fundamental difference between a true experimental design and a quasi-experimental design lies in the assignment of participants to groups. In a true experimental design, participants are randomly assigned to different groups, ensuring that each participant has an equal chance of being in any group. This random assignment helps to control for confounding variables and establishes a cause-and-effect relationship between the independent and dependent variables.

On the other hand, a quasi-experimental design lacks random assignment. Instead, participants are assigned to groups based on pre-existing characteristics, self-selection, or other non-random methods. While quasi-experimental designs can still study cause-and-effect relationships, they are generally less robust in establishing causality compared to true experimental designs due to the potential for confounding variables.

b) Addressing issues of causality in a quasi-experiment involves several strategies:

1. Matching: Researchers can match participants in different groups based on relevant characteristics to reduce the impact of confounding variables.

2. Statistical Control: By using statistical techniques like regression analysis, researchers can control for potential confounding variables statistically.

3. Pre-Post Testing: Comparing the outcomes of participants before and after the intervention can help establish causal relationships.

4. Multiple Waves of Data: Collecting data over multiple time points allows for the examination of trends and changes over time, which can help identify causal patterns.

5. Instrumental Variables: Researchers can use instrumental variables that are strongly correlated with the treatment but have no direct effect on the outcome to strengthen causal inferences.

c) Quasi-experimental designs are more appropriate than randomized controlled trials (RCTs) in situations where random assignment is not feasible or ethical. Some examples include:

1. Studying the long-term effects of a naturally occurring event or intervention where random assignment is not possible.
2. Evaluating the impact of policy changes or interventions at a societal level.
3. Assessing the effectiveness of educational programs within existing school systems.
4. Analyzing the consequences of exposure to harmful substances or environmental factors in humans, where random assignment would be unethical.

d) Strengths of case-control design compared to other observational study designs:

1. Efficient: Case-control studies are useful for investigating rare outcomes or diseases, as they allow for efficient study of small populations with the condition of interest.
2. Cost-effective: They are generally less expensive and faster to conduct than cohort studies.
3. Well-suited for rare outcomes: When studying rare diseases, it may be more practical to identify cases and controls rather than following a large cohort over a long period.

1. Temporal ambiguity: Since data are collected retrospectively, it is often difficult to establish the temporal sequence between exposure and outcome.
2. Vulnerable to bias: Selection bias and recall bias are common concerns in case-control studies.
3. Inability to calculate incidence: Case-control studies cannot directly calculate incidence rates.

e) Controlling for confounding variables in a quasi-experimental study can be achieved using several methods:

1. Matching: As mentioned earlier, matching participants in different groups based on relevant characteristics helps to reduce the influence of confounding variables.

2. Statistical techniques: Employ regression analysis or stratification to adjust for the effects of potential confounders.

3. Propensity score matching: Calculate propensity scores for each participant, which represents the likelihood of being in a particular group based on observed characteristics. Then, match individuals with similar propensity scores across different groups.

4. Instrumental variables: Use instrumental variables that are strongly related to the treatment but not the outcome to help control for confounding.

f) Common threats to internal validity in quasi-experimental designs and how to address them:

1. Selection bias: This occurs when there are systematic differences between groups that can influence the results. To address this, researchers can use matching or statistical control to make groups more comparable.

2. Maturation: Over time, participants may naturally change or mature, leading to differences in outcomes. Researchers can use a control group or pre-post testing to account for maturation effects.

3. History: External events or changes occurring during the study may affect the outcomes. Researchers can use control groups or multiple waves of data to assess the impact of history.

4. Testing effects: The act of being tested or measured can influence subsequent responses. Using a control group can help to account for this effect.

5. Regression to the mean: Extreme scores tend to move toward the average on subsequent measurements. Including a control group can help distinguish true effects from regression to the mean.

g) The process of selecting a comparison group in a case-control study:

The process of selecting a comparison group in a case-control study involves selecting a group of individuals without the outcome of interest (controls) and comparing them to those with the outcome (cases). The comparison group should be as similar as possible to the cases in terms of relevant characteristics, except for the presence of the outcome. Matching techniques can be used to ensure similarity between cases and controls based on factors that could potentially confound the association between exposure and outcome.

h) Scenarios where a case-control design may be preferred over a cohort study design:

1. Rare outcomes: Case-control studies are well-suited for investigating rare diseases or outcomes because they efficiently identify cases and controls.

2. Cost and time efficiency: Case-control studies are generally quicker and less expensive to conduct compared to cohort studies, making them more feasible for certain research questions.

3. Ethical considerations: In situations where exposing individuals to a risk factor or intervention is unethical, a case-control design can be an appropriate alternative.

i) Matching in a case-control study can be used to improve validity by ensuring comparability between cases and controls. Matching involves selecting controls who have similar characteristics to the cases in terms of potential confounding variables, such as age, gender, socioeconomic status, and other relevant factors. This process helps to control for these variables, reducing the risk of bias and improving the accuracy of the study’s findings.

j) Strategies to enhance the internal validity of a quasi-experimental design:

1. Control group: Include a comparison group that does not receive the intervention to assess the true impact of the intervention.

2. Pre-post testing: Measure the outcome both before and after the intervention to evaluate changes over time.

3. Matching: Use matching techniques to create comparable groups in terms of relevant characteristics.

4. Statistical control: Utilize regression analysis to adjust for potential confounding variables.

5. Instrumental variables: When available, use instrumental variables to strengthen causal inferences.

6. Multiple waves of data: Collect data over different time points to observe trends and changes over time.

7. Sensitivity analysis: Conduct sensitivity analyses to evaluate the impact of potential unobserved confounders on the results.

8. Propensity score matching: Implement propensity score matching to improve comparability between groups.

9. Careful data collection: Ensure reliable and valid measurement of variables to reduce measurement bias.

10. Randomization of intervention timing: In interrupted time series designs, randomize the timing of interventions to reduce potential external influences.


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