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M&E Interview Preparation Questions and Answers (Part-3)


Determination of Sample Size

a) What factors should be considered when determining the sample size for a randomized control trial?
b) How does the type of research question influence the sample size determination?
c) Discuss the differences in sample size calculation for cross-sectional and longitudinal studies.
d) What is the importance of power analysis in sample size determination?
e) How would you determine the sample size for a quasi-experiment design?
f) Explain how sample size determination varies in case-control studies compared to randomized controlled trials.
g) Describe the impact of effect size and variability on sample size estimation.
h) Can you discuss the sample size determination process for an interrupted time series analysis?
i) How do you account for clustering effects when calculating sample size for cluster-randomized trials?
j) What are the advantages and limitations of using convenience sampling in determining sample size?

Quasi-Experiment Design and Case Control Design:

a) What is the fundamental difference between a true experimental design and a quasi-experimental design?
b) How do you address issues of causality in a quasi-experiment design?
c) Can you provide examples of situations where a quasi-experimental design would be more appropriate than a randomized controlled trial?
d) Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the case-control design in comparison to other observational study designs.
e) How would you control for confounding variables in a quasi-experimental study?
f) What are some common threats to internal validity in quasi-experiment designs, and how can they be addressed?
g) Explain the process of selecting a comparison group in a case-control study.
h) In what scenarios would a case-control design be preferred over a cohort study design?
i) How can matching be used in a case-control study to improve validity?
j) What are some strategies to enhance the internal validity of a quasi-experimental design?

Evaluation Terms of Reference – Formative and Summative Evaluations:

a) Define formative evaluation and provide examples of its application in different projects.
b) What is the main purpose of formative evaluation in program development and implementation?
c) Discuss the differences between formative and summative evaluations.
d) Can you explain the key components of a Terms of Reference (ToR) for a formative evaluation?
e) How do you ensure that formative evaluation findings are effectively integrated into the program?
f) Describe the main steps involved in conducting a summative evaluation.
g) What are the typical deliverables of a summative evaluation report?
h) In what situations is a summative evaluation more appropriate than a formative evaluation, and vice versa?
i) Discuss the challenges that evaluators might encounter while conducting formative evaluations.
j) How do you measure success in a formative evaluation?

Managing Evaluations:

a) What are the essential elements of a successful evaluation management plan?
b) How do you ensure the independence and impartiality of the evaluation process?
c) Discuss the role of stakeholders in managing and overseeing evaluations.
d) What strategies can be employed to overcome potential resistance to evaluation findings?
e) How do you effectively communicate evaluation results to various stakeholders?
f) Describe the steps you would take to manage an evaluation that involves multiple data sources and methods.
g) What are some common challenges in managing evaluations, and how can they be addressed?
h) How would you manage time constraints and resource limitations during an evaluation?
i) What ethical considerations should be taken into account when managing an evaluation?
j) How can you ensure that the evaluation process aligns with the overall project goals and objectives?

Evaluation at Different Points: Baseline, Mid-point, Concurrent, and End-line Evaluation:

a) Define baseline evaluation and explain its significance in the evaluation process.
b) What are the key differences between a baseline evaluation and an end-line evaluation?
c) Discuss the purpose and benefits of conducting a mid-point evaluation during a project.
d) How can concurrent evaluation help in improving program implementation in real-time?
e) Explain the challenges associated with conducting an end-line evaluation and how to mitigate them.
f) What are the main data collection methods used during a baseline evaluation?
g) Can you provide examples of indicators that are commonly measured during a mid-point evaluation?
h) How do you ensure data reliability and validity in concurrent evaluations?
i) Describe the process of comparing baseline and end-line evaluation results to assess project outcomes.
j) How do you address any unexpected findings during concurrent evaluations?

Evaluating for Results: Need and Uses of Evaluation, Principles, Norms, and Standards for Evaluation:

a) What are the primary reasons for conducting evaluations, and how do they differ across various sectors?
b) How can evaluation findings be used to inform evidence-based decision-making?
c) Discuss the importance of utilizing evaluation results to improve program effectiveness and efficiency.
d) Explain the key principles of evaluation, such as utility, feasibility, propriety, and accuracy.
e) What role do ethical considerations play in the evaluation process, and how can ethical standards be maintained?
f) How do you ensure cultural sensitivity and inclusivity in evaluation practices?
g) Discuss the relevance of international norms and standards for evaluations in different contexts.
h) Can you provide examples of situations where evaluations have influenced policy changes or programmatic decisions?
i) How do you balance the competing demands of stakeholders during an evaluation process?
j) What are some common challenges in applying evaluation results to policy development?

Roles and Responsibilities in Evaluation:

a) Describe the primary roles and responsibilities of an evaluator in an evaluation project.
b) How can an evaluation team be effectively structured to ensure comprehensive evaluation coverage?
c) What is the role of the program manager in the evaluation process?
d) How do you engage stakeholders throughout the evaluation process to ensure their participation and ownership?
e) Discuss the responsibilities of funders and sponsors in supporting the evaluation process.
f) Explain the significance of data collectors and data analysts in an evaluation team.
g) How can you ensure that the evaluation team remains objective and unbiased during the evaluation?
h) Can you provide examples of how the results of an evaluation might influence different stakeholder groups?
i) What are some common challenges faced by evaluators in terms of roles and responsibilities, and how can they be addressed?
j) How do you maintain transparency and accountability in evaluation reporting and communication?

Randomization and Statistical Design of Randomization:

a) Explain the concept of randomization and its significance in experimental studies.
b) What are the main methods of randomization used in clinical trials and field experiments?
c) Discuss the advantages and limitations of simple random sampling.
d) How can stratified random sampling improve the efficiency of the randomization process?
e) Describe the process of generating a randomization sequence and its implementation in a trial.
f) What factors should be considered when determining the block size for block randomization?
g) How does randomization help in controlling for confounding variables in a study?
h) What are some alternative approaches to randomization when it is not feasible to randomly assign participants?
i) Can you explain the differences between randomization and matching in study design?
j) Discuss the role of statistical software in generating and implementing randomization.

Randomized Control Trials, Time-Dependent Cluster Design, Interrupted Time Series Analysis:

a) Define a randomized control trial (RCT) and discuss its main characteristics.
b) How do you ensure blinding and allocation concealment in an RCT to minimize bias?
c) Describe the advantages and challenges of conducting an R

CT compared to other study designs.
d) Can you provide examples of situations where a time-dependent cluster design would be appropriate?
e) What are the key steps involved in conducting an interrupted time series analysis?
f) How do you determine the appropriate time points for data collection in an interrupted time series study?
g) Discuss the statistical methods used to analyze interrupted time series data.
h) What are the potential sources of bias in time-dependent cluster designs, and how can they be addressed?
i) How do you account for confounding variables in an RCT analysis?
j) Can you explain how the results of an RCT might be generalized to different populations?

Remember, depending on the level of the interview (entry-level, mid-level, or senior), some questions may be more detailed and technical, while others might focus on broader concepts and applications. Always tailor the questions to the level of the interviewee and the specific requirements of the position.

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