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Global & India’s Population Trend and Pattern


Now we will learn about the third module of our first unit “Global & India’s Population Trend and Pattern” through these quick key facts

  • Population Trends and Global Variation in Population Size and Growth: The global population has been growing at an unprecedented rate over the past few centuries. In 1800, the world population was around 1 billion, and it took more than 100 years for it to double to 2 billion. However, in the next 50 years, it doubled again to 4 billion, and by 2011, it had reached 7 billion. According to the United Nations, the world population is projected to continue growing and is expected to reach 9.7 billion by 2050.
  • The growth rate of the global population varies greatly between different regions of the world. Some regions, such as Africa, have a high fertility rate and a young population, leading to rapid population growth. Other regions, such as Europe and Japan, have low fertility rates and an aging population, leading to a decline in population size.
  • History of Population in India: India has a long history of population growth. In 1951, the population of India was around 360 million. By 2011, it had reached 1.21 billion, making India the second most populous country in the world after China. The population of India is expected to continue growing and is projected to reach 1.68 billion by 2050.
  • India has experienced various population policies over the years. In the 1950s and 1960s, the government launched a family planning program to encourage birth control measures. In the 1970s, the government implemented a forced sterilization program, which was widely criticized and led to a decline in the popularity of family planning programs. In recent years, the government has shifted its focus to promoting voluntary family planning measures.
  • Current Population Scenario and Demographic Profile of India and States: As of 2021, the population of India is estimated to be around 1.39 billion, with a growth rate of around 0.99%. The population of India is highly diverse, with numerous ethnic, linguistic, and religious groups. Hindi is the most widely spoken language, followed by Bengali, Telugu, and Marathi.
  • India has a relatively young population, with around 65% of the population under the age of 35. However, the population is ageing, and the proportion of the elderly is increasing. The life expectancy at birth is around 70 years, and the infant mortality rate is around 30 per 1,000 live births.
  • The demographic profile of different states in India varies significantly. Some states, such as Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, and Rajasthan, have a high population density and a large proportion of young people. Other states, such as Kerala and Tamil Nadu, have a lower population density and a higher proportion of elderly people. The fertility rate also varies greatly between states, with some states having a much higher fertility

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