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Basic Concepts of Fertility


Basic Concepts on Fertility

  1. There are two types of Fertility: Natural fertility and Controlled fertility 
  2. Three different stages of live birth: 1) Coitus 2) Conception 3) Parturition 
  3. Live birth excludes stillbirths, miscarriages, and abortions as they come under fetal death. 
  4. Fertility means Actual birth performance
  5. Infertility is the inability to produce a live birth” 
  6. Fecundity is the Physiological capacity to conceive
  7. Infecundity (Sterility) is the inability of a woman to conceive a pregnancy 
  8. Primary sterility means never being able to conceive a pregnancy,
  9. Secondary sterility is the inability to conceive after one or more children have been born
  10. Fecundability is the Probability that a woman will conceive during a menstrual cycle
  11. Gravidity is the number of pregnancies a woman has had whether or not they produce a live birth. 
  12. Parity is the Number of children born alive to a woman. 
  13. Natural fertility and Controlled fertility: Louis Henry, the French demographer, introduced this concept in 1961. 
  14. Intermediate variables are a block of variables located between fertility and the block of social and economic factors in the casual nexus: Introduced by Davis and Blake in 1956. 
  15. A cohort is a group of persons experiencing an event such as birth, marriage, or graduation from school, during the same time interval 

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